Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2005-11-17 13:34:00

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ko apzīmējumu grupas saka par Half Man Half Biscuit
* John Peel * Obscure Post-Punk and New Wave * The Eighties Habit * We are ugly, but we have the music. * Liverpool UK * Excelllent Bands * Football
94 people have listened to Letters Sent by Half Man Half Biscuit. -----------------------------------------------
dauzot galvu pret klaviatūru "a es? es ar ko sliktāks? kas tie 94 vispār tādi ir?"

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2005-11-17 15:02 (saite)
top fans @ Sep 4, 2005, 15:10

* redleslie
* thraxas
* Varitek
* rjw
* Branfish
* reckless_rik


(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2005-11-17 15:25 (saite)
scuki nah!

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

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