Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2005-11-16 04:28:00

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ģeniālais IRCā
M3rlin-> what is the legal age to buy alcoholic in england ?
p5Ds13a06> you cant buy alcoholics
p5Ds13a06> but if you wink the right way, some of them will follow you home for free

sagrābstīts no [info]rasbainieks
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2005-11-16 04:38 (saite)
referenču listē tiek svinīgi ievietots arī [info]pitchforks!
vēl man patika: Lemme guess, you'd kick my ass, but can't read the road signs to get to my house? (no sēr. učite albanskij)
jāmācās trīt zobi irca kaujām, aha.

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