vakarnakt trešoreiz noskatījos the shutter island
oh, atstāj tikpat paralizējoši krutu iespaidu kā pirmajās divās un neapnīk
maikls manns var lūkoties uz skorsēzes krītošajām sniegpārslām, platformāta skatiem, ultramontāžu un griezt zobus
krāsu spilgtums un gamma kā kaut kādās aiziātu šausmenēs

(viens no leo galvenajiem aktiermeistarības trumpjiem ir satriecošss monolītisms)

(shutter islandā asinis ir toč kā pie aziātiem)
topos: žurkas

iecienītais moments

- Did you enjoy God's latest gift?
- What?
- God's gift. The violence. When I came downstairs in my home and I saw that tree in my living room,
it reached down for me like a divine hand. God loves violence.
- I hadn't noticed.
- Sure you have. Why else would there be so much of it? It's in us. It's what we are.
We wage war, we burn sacrifices, we pillage and plunder, and tear at the flesh of our brothers, and why?
Because God gave us violence to wage in his honor.
- I thought God gave us moral order.
- There is no moral order as pure as this storm. There's no moral order at all. There's just this:
can my violence conquer yours?
- I'm not violent.
- Yes you are. You're as violent as they come. I know this because I'm as violent as they come.
With the constraints of society, we are lifted and If I was all that stood between you and a meal,
you would crack my skull with a rock and eat my meaty parts. Wouldn't you? Cawley thinks you're harmless,
that you can be, but I know different.
- You don't know me.
- Oh but I do. Oh I know you. We've known each other for centuries. If I was to sink my teeth into
your eye right now, would you be able to stop me before I blinded you?

- Give it a try.

- That's the spirit.
viņus gaida BAFTAs...

...un Oskari