Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2009-11-25 10:27:00

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dzirdi, dooora, kas notiek pasaulē!

A New Plymouth woman who played classical music to her cannabis plants to encourage them to grow was yesterday sentenced to community work.

Solo mother-of-three Zarah Murphy cultivated 20 cannabis plants in a room with photos of healthy plants as role models on the walls and played them "nice classical music", her lawyer Pamela Jensen told New Plymouth District Court yesterday.

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3Zv ordenis no manis kiwi-mammai
2009-11-25 11:02 (saite)
uzskatu, ka tiesnesis šai gadījumā varēja piespriest bargāku sodu — nu cikiem tad jaunzēlandiešiem Zāra 250 stundās pagūs ieinstalēt Baha fūgas un mariklūgas? Visoptimālāk būtu bijis likt pārkāpējai organizēt audiōbotānikas kursus Vellingtōnas Konservatōrijā. vismaz gadu, akadēmisko!

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