Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2009-09-15 18:20:00

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mash-upi, kas šobrīd ir viens no ejošākajiem trendiem pasaules literatūrā, jau ilgi mani interesē kā žanrs
tas ir par to, kā grāfs monte kristo cīnas ar zombijiem vai arī anna kareņina guļ ar king kongu, teiksim

a ko no mūsējiem varētu, a? staburaga bērni pēc battle royale motīviem?

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2009-09-15 18:29 (saite)
a kur var paskatīties vēl variantus? es līdz šim zināju Pride and Prejudice ar zombijiem un tagad šo.

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2009-09-15 18:33 (saite)
Mr Darcy, Vampyre, by Cheshire-based writer Amanda Grange, which imagines a bloodsucking private world of the celebrated romantic hero, will be released next month.

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2009-09-15 18:35 (saite)
A book called “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies,” credited to Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith and published by Quirk Books, will combine the Austen novel with “all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie mayhem.” And a coming novel by Michael Thomas Ford called “Jane Bites Back” depicts the 19th-century author as a frustrated vampire, taking revenge on those who have made money from her work.

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