Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2005-08-01 14:43:00

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Raudive FM #02
license to drill

15 jaunas dziesmas, featuring Kitchens Of Distinction, Arab Strap, Zero 7, The Ukrainians, u.c.!!!

Red Snapper Keeping Pigs Together +++>
Insta Thumbtack +++>
Cibo Matto Birthday Cake +++>
The Ukrainians Batyar +++>
Stakka & Skynet Black Monday +++>
Trembling Blue Stars Sometimes I Still Feel The Bruise +++>
Arab Strap Love Detective +++>
Neko Case And Her Boyfriends Thrice All American +++>
Cranebuilders You Re Song +++>
Zero 7 Solazis +++>
Kitchens Of Distinction Drive That Faster +++>
Les Savy Fav Rodeo +++>
Elvis Costello Alison +++>
Sparklehorse Come On In +++>
Lydia Lunch Atomic Bongos +++>

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2005-08-01 23:03 (saite)
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