Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2005-06-20 16:44:00

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same old shite
Martcore: how old are you? - Calvin: 42 - like Frank Black? - Black what? - Like Frank Black! (2 pēdējos teikumus atkārot 3 reizes) - Oh! FRANK Black! Yeah. But Frank Black is much cuter, than me. - What about Frank Black? - Cuter. More beautiful! - Frank Black ir fat - No, he is some kind of jelly...

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2005-06-20 19:20 (saite)
a-a-a! nu laikam Tev ir jādomā, kā tas viss izskatījās no malas. man jau laikam svarīgi bij noklausīties kā nu tas ir - un tad kaut-kā vienalga.. (vai saprotami?? slinkums skaidrot.)

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