Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2008-02-02 23:44:00

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negribas rakstīt revjūzu par kloverlfīldu
ar kinokameru apveltītais galvenais dokumentālais varonis monstra uzbrukuma laikā nokrīt gar zemi un trīsreiz pamanās mainīt kadra asumu
blērvičas laikos nekā tāda nebija
tas viss ir hujova, salīdzinot ar pirmajām "losta" sērijām (nu nevar nesalīdzināt) un hujova, salīdzinot ar citām mockumentaries. hujova.

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Re: autofokusa aina
2008-02-03 00:19 (saite)
kā, automātiski? :) operatoram izmainot ģeogrāfisko stāvokli momentā fokusējas bez viņa ziņas un piekrišanas un pēc tam uzreiz atfokusējas?

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esmu cilvēks, kurš pats neko paskaidrot nemāk
2008-02-03 00:28 (saite)
"Abrams and his team brilliantly execute the concept. Hud’s camera movements are jagged and clumsy. He usually is too close or too far from his subjects. If not for autofocus, the whole thing would be a blur."

"In the midst of the attack, the people in the movie turn to the camera to affirm, to declare, to confess. The film's defining image comes after a person holding the camera is killed and the dropped lens, trained on their lifeless face, keeps going in and out of auto focus."

"There's a scene near the end of Cloverfield where, after being dropped, a hand held camera, documenting Manhattan's destruction, tries to auto focus itself on the face of a dead body. This 5-second visual frustration is part of the 85-minute visual irritation that is Cloverfield."

"A particular character even meets their demise trying to get a good, up-close shot of the monster (In a particularly funny, meaningful, and sad moment, the camera's autofocus keeps focusing in and out on his lifeless face)."

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Re: esmu cilvēks, kurš pats neko paskaidrot nemāk
2008-02-03 00:36 (saite)
oj :)

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