toč, izrādās aiena makkeja otrā banda - embrace, ir emokustības megaietekme. pie tam pats aiens vismazāk jau nu izskatās pēc emoboja. lūk, ko viņš saka par šo situāciju.
"I must say one thing. I must say emocore must be the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard in my entire life. But just in case you are wondering, I read in my Thrasher the other day, that in fact, what my band along with other bands in this city (Washington DC) are playing is emocore. I'm thinking Emo Phillips, the comedian, emocore? Emotional hardcore?? As if hardcore wasn't emotional to begin with. Anyway, it's caca. I hate to say it but you can only hold your silence for too long about this stupid shit."