Chloroform Sauna ([info]martcore) rakstīja,
@ 2007-04-05 23:51:00

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ieteicu polkovnikam grupu kitchens of distinction, paskatījos wpēdijā un pamanīju šādu prikoļno faktu:

"Despite the promising start, the band faced a subdued reception from the music industry, perhaps due to their lyrical content; "Margaret's Injection," on the 1989 Elephantine EP, was a fantasy about killing Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher."

es par šo tematu zinu vienu citu dziesmu:
The Day that Thatcher Dies

We will laugh the day that Thatcher dies,
Even though we know it's not right,
We will dance and sing all night.
I was blind in 1979, by '82 I had clues,
By 1986 I was mad as hell.
The teachers at school, they took us for fools,
They never taught us what to do,
But Christ we were strong, we knew all along,
We taught ourselves the right from wrong.
And the punk rock kids, and the techno kids,
No, it's not their fault.
And the hip hop boys and heavy metal girls,
No, it's not their fault.
It was love, but Tories don't know what that means,
She was Michelle Cox from the lower stream,
She wore high-heeled shoes while the rest wore flat soles.
And the playground taught her how to be cruel,
I talked politics and she called me a fool,
She wrapped her ankle chain round my left wing heart.
Ding dong, the witch is dead, which old witch?
The wicked witch.
Ding dong, the wicked witch is dead.

by Hefner. labs hīts, kādreiz tika intensīvi spēlēts radio naba. arī no manas puses.

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2007-04-06 09:43 (saite)
nu bet es aizvien raucu pieri par rokstaara beerna&co iesaistiishanu politiskajaa niishanaa.

bet shis ir labs:
I talked politics and she called me a fool,
She wrapped her ankle chain round my left wing heart.
happy end un viss pa vietaam

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2007-04-06 10:39 (saite)
tas jau tā kā sempls tiek izmantots

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