Adon ([info]lord) rakstīja,
@ 2016-04-26 20:14:00

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par nacionālismu
"Nationalism" is the pathology of modern developmental history, as inescapable as "neurosis" in the individual, with much the same essential ambiguity attaching to it, a similar built-in capacity for descent into dementia, rooted in the dilemmas of helplessness thrust upon most of the world (the equivalent of infantilism for societies) and largely incurable.

Tom Nairn (1977) Break-up of Britain, p. 359.

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2016-04-27 23:15 (saite)
Protams, ka cilvēks, kas raksta par Breakup of Britain, apdirsīs nacionālismu. Skoti, īri, velsieši, nu neko, laikam slimie, bet labie imperiālisti un viņi pēcteči kosmopolīti un multikulturālisti, proootams, laikam ir morāli labākās pozīcijās.

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