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@ 2012-03-21 23:10:00

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Šovakar dzeru viņčiku un skatos Intervention: 'Born into a family with traditional Catholic values, Chris struggled with his sexuality until coming out at 18. Now, at 34, Chris feels that being gay has cheated him out of the things he wants most--marriage, children, and inclusion in his family. He drinks first thing in the morning to ward off tremors, he's abusive to his partner, and he can't keep a job. His father believes Chris should be able to stop drinking by sheer force of will, but his mother believes that genetics is to blame for hisalcoholism. Can the family overcome its divisions and work together for Chris? Can an intervention set him on the straight and narrow?'

Beidzās tā: 'Chris completed treatment and moved home with Shawn. Chris relapsed several times before tragically taking his own life on August 28, 2009.'

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2012-03-23 11:21 (saite)
Jā, substanču gadījumos jau skaidrs, bet man interesētu mazliet delikātāki psiho-fizioloģiski gadījumi, piemēram, tā pati homoseksualitāte.

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