lasitajs ([info]lasitajs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-01-15 15:20:00

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viena lieta, ko es nekad neesmu sapratis:
cik izņēmumi, procentuāli, drīkst būt, lai tie joprojām apstiprinātu teoriju?

un pie viena: kāds tieši ir epistemioloģiskais process, kādā veidā šis apstiprinājums tiek iegūts?

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2018-01-15 16:02 (saite)
"The exception [that] proves the rule" is a saying whose meaning has been interpreted or misinterpreted in various ways. Its true definition, or at least original meaning, is that the presence of an exception applying to a specific case establishes ("proves") that a general rule exists.

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