Nezāles neiznīkst ([info]jan09) rakstīja,
@ 2021-06-16 09:24:00

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Līgo, līgo, palīgo:

UK paziņots ierobežojumu pagarinājums uz 4 nedēļām, kas nozīmē, ka plānotais DV (Daugavas Vanagu) Līgo pasākums nenotiks. Zēl, ka tā, bija plānots klātienē satikt foršus cilvēkus.
Tas savukārt nozīmē 2us mazus pasēdienus paša dārzā, iemēģinot šķūni, grilu, gaismas/audio un āra kamīnu.
Atliek pēdējie metri šķūņa apdarei un apkārtnes labiekārtošanai.

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Re: .
2021-06-16 13:50 (saite)
Kā ir dzīvot tur? Cilvēki ir vairāk vai mazāk, khmm...'normāli'?

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2021-06-16 15:07 (saite)
What do you mean:
- To live in UK or to live particular in Mansfield?
- People in general or people since beginning of lockdown/restrictions?

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Re: ?
2021-06-16 15:22 (saite)
Njā - a little general with my questioning :)
Let's go for .... the English in general since the great huinja began. I am in touch with some friends and family, but I'm not sure how representative they are of ... my people. The 'normal people' I know (I only picked this way of describing people up from Latvians, but I think I know what it means) are usually diezgan sceptical about most of these kinds of things, but I have the feeling that it might be different this time around.
Karoče, what does a normal Latvian in a normal part of the country make of the English at this point in time? I am genuinely interested.

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2021-06-16 18:23 (saite)
I might be an abnormal Latvian instead.
I would say UK is one of the best places to live for USSR experienced age group 45-65. Garden allotments, home baking/brewery, DIY, car servicing/repairs on drive, cash trades, even posters in workshops/offices are so native/known.
Fantastic amount of options for technicians/engineers (not really in Mansfield unfortunately).
If we are talking about last 1.5 years etc, all I can do is just keep watching.
Viruses are seasonal and will be, lockdowns from 2020 too at least up to 2022, most of the people I know are still working fulltime, some like I working from home since last spring nearly. Locals are still living, gardening, driving/walking around, me and my "bubble" too. No chats about viruses/vaccines/jabs, except "Borises' rules" as they affects day to day routine and future plans. Masks/distance still in place, I can deal with it. Miss Latvian parties and local pubs' gigs a bit, but will sort this out in-house soon. And need to skip a lot of FB records to keep mental health.
I need to finish my garden this year, it's more important ;)
/sorry about my English, I started to learn it in age of 35.

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Re: ;)
2021-06-17 10:40 (saite)
Apologise for your English!? don't be absurd. It's better than my Latvian, and I started learning that when I was 30 :). It's nice to hear some good things about normal England (outside of the noise of social and mainstream media). It sounds like - to use the gardening metaphor - you have good soil for a practical, ex-soviet republic citizen to take root in. I'm glad to hear that people seem to be just getting on with their lives. Of course, in my experience, the English only really get going with their opinions after they have a few pints in their local - something probably hard to do right now.

By the way, our garden has never been better since this crap began - though that is mostly down to the missus.


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