hestia ([info]hestia) rakstīja,
@ 2005-07-09 11:33:00

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Mūzika:Placebo- The Crawl

Vasaras rīts ir viena no brīnišķīgākajām parādībām. Viegli ēnains, spoguļojot piesardzīgu cerīgumu loga rūtīs. Kad es vēl vārtos pa gultu pēc dušas un dzeru padzisušu kafiju, es zinu, ka nekā labāka nebūs. Vienkārši nevar un nespēj. Tik rūgta ir laime, tik.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

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2005-07-09 14:02 (saite)
It takes the pain away
that could not make you stay
it's way to broke to fix
no glue, no bag of tricks

Lay me down, the lie will unfurl
lay me down to crawl.

Your smile would make me sneeze
when we were Siamese
Amazing grace in here
I'd pay to have you near.

Lay me down, the lie will unfurl
lay me down to crawl.

Don't go and lose your face
at some stranger's place
and don't forget to breathe
and pay before you leave

Lay me down, the lie will unfurl
lay me down to crawl.
Lay me down, the lie will unfurl
lay me down to crawl.

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2005-07-14 14:52 (saite)
Aīīī, kāda nostaļģija pārņem, pazūdod šajās brīnišķajās rindās... Kaut kas mans...

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