just let it go
The lighter line is the actual number of cancer deaths, and the darker line is the expected number — showing a never-seen-before increase in cancer deaths that is deepening. As of several recent weeks, the United States has about 800 excess cancer deaths per week. As you can see on the right side of the graph, these excess deaths started just as Covid vaccination took off, and never slowed down or returned to normal; they are increasing and showing acceleration.

Before the mRNA vaccines entered the market, significant concerns existed regarding their cancer-causing potential. Despite this, as leaked documents from the EMA (Europe’s FDA) show, Pfizer (and most likely the other manufacturers) was exempted from testing their vaccines for genotoxicity before proceeding to human trials
Bet nekas, nāves tirgoņi jau strādā pie "vēža vakcīnām" tāpat kā pie "sirdstrieku vakcīnām".