gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-08-05 00:17:00

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" It MIGHT be acceptable to have 0.00001 percent of adverse reactions if every person who got the vaccine knew exactly what they were doing and volunteered for this risk. But when people are coerced into it, it becomes deliberate damage to their health and sometimes murder. Every person who was coerced and then died has been murdered directly by those who had coerced him or her."

"I am German and I am quite sure that this cases are underreported. The authorities in Germany were very much not interested in the side effects of the vaccines. People with strange symptoms after the vaccination were often not taken seriously, neither from the Doctors nor the authorities. This might have been the case in other countries as well though. In addition to that, most Doctors had not the time to file a report and they also did not get paid for that (or not enough). So, only if a patient was very persistent or the physician was very dutiful, a report was made."

"I'm a Brit living in Germany. I met a couple of nurses who were being mandated to get vaccinated by March this year. However, they worked in a stroke ward and were seeing unprecedented numbers of people in their 20s and 30s suffering from strokes. It didn't deter the authorities from insisting the nurses get jabbed. And no-one wanted to investigate why so many young people were presenting with strokes. I don't know what decision the nurses came to regarding their own bodies. But the whole mandate scenario is scary!"

"The same in Canada. My family physician and cardiologist (who was my attending specialist when I was hospitalized and diagnosed with pericarditis) did not want to discuss it. My family doctor even said "it's too complicated, too much for me"....and that was that. I was in hospital for 10 days on cardiac ward, admitted through emergency department because of horrific pains and barely able to breathe, had numerous MRIs, CAT scan, blood tests twice daily, given diagnosis and after discharge no doctor wanted to talk about it. Friends in medical profession told me they were all told not to talk about vaccination and side-effects. Quite a few nurses and doctors quit not long after pandemic started and the hospitals are quite short on staff. It's not just refusal to get "vaccinated" with something that is not really a vaccine (not like real vaccines we know - polio, smallpox, typhoid, etc.), but the gag order from medical associations that had them give up and leave. In the future looking back it will be recognized as the dark times for true medical professionals."

"The risks are being under reported. I'm just one person who has 3 friend's dad's who died after getting jabbed. One of those 3 was a lifelong healthy marathon runner who had a heart attack. 4 friend's had eye issues from whites of eyes turning red, to one requiring surgery twice. Partner's 83 year old mother developed uterine issues, including menstruation. I developed shingles for the first time in my life right after my partner got jabbed."

"The published number of those affected with advers events is guaranteed to be far too low. In my circle of acquaintances alone, I know many people who have been vaccinated, including the 3rd or 4th booster vaccination, who now have health problems that they did not have before. Apart from the recurring flu effects and infections with Covid. But none of these noticeable symptoms have ever been reported - I always check with people.
Also worth mentioning, here in Germany, vaccinated people are considered non-vaccinated in the first two weeks after their vaccination and if someone falls ill or dies during this period, they are not recognized as vaccination victims."

"The sheer magnitude of adverse events/reactions that have not been reported is staggering. It's near impossible to get an Australian doctor game enough to file a report to the TGA. I've spoken to numerous patients that A)assumed it would automatically get reported by a hospital doctor or the paramedics; B)didn't know they could or should report their issues, C)never asked for a copy of the adverse report as proof that their event had been filed. Stats fail us on this occasion due to this under/no-reporting phenomenon only seen with c19"

"I'm in Australia. A doctor told me that she had attempted to report 4 adverse events and they were refused.
If a doctor gets knocked back how often do you think many would stop bothering in case it reflected badly on them?"

"What is really scary is the severe under reporting of adverse events, even confirmed by the Harvard Study "A Harvard Vaccine Injury Study conducted from 2007 to 2010, reveals on page 6 a fewer than 1 % report rate in VAERS."

"A huge amount of pressure is put upon doctors and the medical community to downplay adverse reactions in addition to be extremely time consuming and nearly impossible to work in data reporting along with tending to patients.
This is something that most doctors and nurses realize, but don't say much about it because they feel powerless under strong administration rules and enforcement."

Daudz interesantu komentāru ar līdzīgu ievirzi pie šī ziņojuma. Jau esošie oficiālie dati iz ļoti slikti, vēl jo vairāk mandātu kontekstā, bet tie ir aisberga virsotne.

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2022-08-05 00:34 (saite)
> It MIGHT be acceptable to have 0.00001 percent of adverse reactions [..]

Tā ir absolūti nereālistiska prasība, kāda var nākt tikai no cilvēkiem, kam nav nekāda priekšstata par farmaceitiku un medikamentu blaknēm. Tīram ūdenim un svaigam gaisam ir būtiski lielāka nevēlamu blakņu varbūtība par to sapņaino "viens uz desmit miljoniem" figūru.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2022-08-05 00:43 (saite)
Kā jau teicu, ja viss būtu kā parasti - ok. Piemēram, lielāka daļa antidepresantu ir vairāk kaitīgi, nekā ārstējoši, taču par to ir samērā labi zināms un cilvēki pamatā saprotot savus riskus. Tāpat vairumam vielu ir bijusi proper trial periods. Šo "vakcīnu" trial periods notiek pašreiz. Nemaz nerunājot par "coercien, riiite". Papildus tam apzinātā politika maksimāli nereportēt AE, kas nāk "no augšas" un tur ārstus bailēs par savu karjeru, ja tiek tomēr ies pret straumi.
Pie tam nav nekāds 1 un 10 miljoniem. To cilvēks pateicis tiešām aiz nezināšanas. Attiecīgajā video apskatītais Vācu institūta reports atzīst, ka ir viens uz 1000, bet nopietni efekti 1 uz 5000.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2022-08-05 00:48 (saite)
Viens uz desmit miljoniem ir tas prasītais "0.00001 percent" rādītājs (0.00001 × 0.01 = 10-7). Viens uz pieciem tūkstošiem ir apmēram tas, ko var sagaidīt no dažādiem citiem niknajiem pretvīrusu preparātiem un trieciena vakcīnām.

Also, iedomājies, piepeši sākoties pandēmijai, nevienam elementāri nebija laika izvest pilnus klīniskos testus vakcīnām, pēc kurām nepieciešamība bija "jau vakar". Protams, klīniskie testi bija, bet es domāju, ka ir viegli saprast, kāpēc šādā situācijā daļa no tiem tika saīsināti.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2022-08-05 07:46 (saite)
Bet nav 1 no desmit miljoniem. Ir viens no 1000 parasta AE gadījumā un 1 no 5000 nopietna. Nevajag skaldīt matus par viena cilvēka runas figūru vai paviršību.

"Sākoties pandēmijai". Ja būtu gājusi runa par melno mēri vai ko līdzvērtīgi šokējošu, kur "and the bell tolls" un līķu rati tā vien pa ielām stumjas, varētu piekrist. Šī "deadly pandemic" tika pilnīgi mediju manufaktūrēta. Ja katru dienu cilvēkiem nepiebāztu galvu ar propagandu un fear porn, neviens pat nezinātu, ka tāda notiek. Nevienu, izņemot radiniekus, nepiš, ka nomirst kāds 90 gadīgs vecītis pēc gripas saķeršanas.

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