gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2022-02-26 14:20:00

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Western countries are run by a managerial class for the benefit of oligarchs. All they care about is their ability to accumulate wealth and power. They have very little to gain from stopping Russia. At most they'll just try and make it so costly for them that they won't try something similar anywhere else.

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2022-02-26 20:30 (saite)
Aha, "tas, ka man ir paranoja, nenozīmē, ka neviens man neseko" :DDDDD

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2022-02-26 20:49 (saite)
Loģiski, ka paranoiķiem seko citi paranoiķi. lololol

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2022-02-26 21:17 (saite)
Paranoja ir tad, kad tikai vien cilvēks redz ko aizdomīgu. Pie mums viss aizdomīgais redzams visiem. Idioti un nomenklaturi vnk izliekas neredzam.

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