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@ 2022-01-19 20:15:00

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zažiem būtu ekstāze un klimats glābts pateicoties jauniem nodokļiem, kas ietekmēs tikai trūcīgos

Is Germany preparing for meat taxation?
Consumption is expected to drop abruptly as meat prices may increase by 600%.
Posted on Jan 04 ,07:52
Germany seems decided to implement drastic measures in order to increase climate protection. One of those was presented by a governmental committee created in July last year and talks about meat taxation. The committee concluded that a kilogram of beef should cost five or six times more than it is today - over €80 per kilo, not around €13 as it is now.
According to supporters of this type of solution, such a price increase would be necessary to balance the costs incurred in connection with environmental pollution and loss of biodiversity. The same calculations revealed that dairy products should cost two to four times more than they currently do.
The committee also calculated that the environmental damage caused by industrial farming costs around €90 million a year and recommended investing €7-11 billion a year to finance the transformation of agriculture into a green industry.
The declared goal of the new German government is to increase the share of ecologically cultivated land in Germany from the current 10%. up to 30% by 2030.

In July, a special government commission for the future of industrial agriculture — made up of both environmental groups and farmer groups — set out the same general targets that Özdemir did: reduce meat consumption, increase climate protection. Startlingly enough, it concluded that beef should cost five or six times more than it does now, or over €80 ($90) per kilogram (2.2 pounds), rather than the current €14. This price hike would be necessary to balance out the costs incurred through pollution and the loss of biodiversity, which the commission put at €90 billion a year. By the same calculation, dairy products should cost two to four times as much as they do now.

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2022-01-20 13:58 (saite)
Paskatīsimies kā viņi to uzspiedīs Francijai :D

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