gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-09-28 21:53:00

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On the latest cover of the “reputed” medical journal The Lancet, the word “women” was replaced by “bodies with vaginas”. Let that sink in. They truly believe that the word “women” is offensive and that the grotesque and thoroughly dehumanizing term is a better option. In their absurd quest to erase genders, they are willing to replace the word “women” with an expression that a psychopathic serial killer would use. In short, this cover is proof that the world of science has sacrificed objectivity to the altar of ideological wokeness.

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2021-09-29 07:49 (saite)
diemžēl tev ir absolūta taisnība. gnidrologveidīgie regulāri izmanto vārdu "sieviete" kā lamuvārdu. kaut vai es tā tieku regulāri apsaukāts. uztveru gan to kā komplimentu, bet taipat laikā zinu, ka tas ir domāts aizvainojoši. un tas ir ļoti pretīgi no viņu puses, bet ko no nelaimīgiem, nemīlētiem, dzīves apbižotajiem mizogīniem var gribēt? jāžēlo viņi, ja ir spēks kko tik pretīgu žēlot.

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2021-09-29 19:22 (saite)
Kā teiksi, pimpjarumpi. Trupmāk sieviete būs vagīntorss.:)

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