gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2021-07-15 19:15:00

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Ja ir šaubas par to, ka šī brīža ASV leļļu valdība ir sarkana kā babuīna pakaļa.
Smieklīgākais, ka viņi neuzņems reālus bēgļus, kas vēlas izmukt no radniecīgi komunistiska režīma, bet ver vaļā visas iespējamās durvis morlokiem no kaimiņu stānām, lai turpinātu kardināli mainīt demogrāfiju savā valstī par labu nebaltajiem un tiem, kas bus garantēti demokrātu/establišmenta vergi.

The Biden Administration has been pretty wishy-washy on the subject of protests happening in Cuba right now. While Biden and his mouthpiece Psaki will offer lip service to the "rights" of Cuban people to peacefully protest, they have made it utterly clear that they have no idea what the people of Cuba are protesting.

The messaging that is coming from the Biden White House is that they believe protests are over Covid Vaccine policy and government "mismanagement."

The truth, as everyone with half a brain knows, is that the people in Cuba are protesting against the Communist dictatorship that has plagued their nation for nearly 60 years.

However, despite the oppressive Communist regime in Cuba forcing dissidents to flee, the Department of Homeland Security this week let it be known that if Cuban migrants try to sail to the US they will not be welcomed.

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2021-07-16 17:22 (saite)
Viltus ziņu atmaskotāju un faktu pārbaudītāju mērķis ir tieši tāds - lai cilvēki mazāk saprot kas notiek īstenībā, bet klausās stabā piekārtu propagandas skaļruni. Tik patriotiskās dziesmas izpaliek, jo patriotisms ninče nav košer.

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