gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-09-06 21:23:00

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They really want to normalize the idea of a european country where most citizens are non-europeans, don't they?

lol at how the only white on that cover is the woman with her back to the camera.

she sits faceless and voiceless. it looks as if she is just about to participate, to raise a finger in objection, but is ignored - unimportant.

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2016-09-06 22:42 (saite)
Tātad kontingentu, kas dzīvo uz pabalstiem, narkodīlerismu un zagšanu. Nu jā, vobšem, labs points.
Strādājoši, nodokļus maksājuši cilvēki uz to bodi skatās šķībi, zinu. Tiesa, te atkal parādās slēpts rasisms.

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