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@ 2021-02-22 19:57:00

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Here, Afghan migrant mocks Swedish taxpayers: "We get paid while you work yourself hard"
11 February 2021 at 13.39

On social media, an Afghan influencer has published a video that has gone viral among the Afghan diaspora in Sweden and abroad. With a smile on her face, the woman says that while people are struggling to pay taxes in the country, she and her friends do not have to work but instead live on social benefits and have fun in the meantime. The woman scornfully reveals that she has managed to save a lot from the grants and will soon buy a car.

The video, which was published on the social media platform TikTok, gained momentum in January. Samhällsnytt has had the video translated from dari.

Can live on grants forever and save for a car
The translation shows that the woman is proud of her way of living on social benefits to finance her livelihood. Furthermore, the woman wonders why more people do not choose to live on benefits. She herself has soon managed to save up for both a driver's license and a car through the grants.

- "I will only tell one thing, there are many who have commented "you take social money", "you live on social". To all of you I say: We can and we do it and it tastes so good and feels so good."

- "If you can too, why not do it? You work and pay taxes, we get paid while you work apart and again we get the money. You can also receive social benefits. Do not work! Even though my two brothers work and pay taxes, it is actually their taxes that will be my contribution. I'm eating your taxes too."

The woman also urges the honest workers to work more - so that she can get paid and treat herself to more luxury in life:

- "They also pay the rent for my apartment and I have managed to save so much from the grants, just so you know, I can soon afford a new car as well. I'll even get a driver 's license soon. First of course a driver's license, then a car, all with your tax money which will be my social security contribution. So work on, pay taxes, otherwise I will not get paid!"

Watch the video below:

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2021-02-23 13:06 (saite)
Tie afgāņi ir par dumju, lai saprastu, ka šāda zīmēšanās var vest tikai virzienā uz pabalstu zaudēšanu.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2021-02-23 13:34 (saite)
Nejau Zviedrijā.

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2021-02-23 14:13 (saite)
Tas nav par konkrēto personu.

1. Zviedri attopas ka baro visādus deģenerātus un kriminālos, kas viņu dzīvi padara nožēlojamu un izbeidz šo praksi. Šis ir fantastiskais risinājums.
2. Zviedri redz ka nav jēgas maksāt nodokļus un palēnām pārvietojas uz ēnu ekonomiku. Naudas paliek maz un šos liekēžus nav par ko uzturēt. Ilgais jau tūvak īstenībai variants.
3. Sākas klope un uzvarētājs paņem visu.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-02-23 14:32 (saite)
šeit no raksta par darbinieku, kurš atļāvās informēt migrācijas dienestu par čītojošiem "bēgļiem" - "tas esot pretrunā ar viņu vērtōibām"
tobiš, uz morloku blēdīšanos jāpiever acis, jo mēs esam tik labiņi
ar cilvēkiem, kas norāda uz šīm blēdībām, pašiem izrēķinās, jo viņi ir rasisti

State radio put the man against the wall: "Was it wrong?"
When state reporter Ulla Öhman takes up the subject in a radio feature on SR P4 Västernorrland, she is interested in hearing how the man views his actions from a conscientious perspective.

Do you think it was wrong of you to send tips to the Swedish Migration Board?

- "No at that time was not wrong. We cooperated with the Swedish Migration Agency at that time, so it was part of our job to do so", the man replied.

The municipality would never investigate asylum fraud
That information is rejected by the man's former managers in the municipality. Among other things, Ingrid Nilsson, who is head of the Working Life Administration, claims that the municipality of Härnösand would never engage in so-called refugee reporting in cases of suspected asylum fraud.

- "When the large influx of refugees came, we helped the Working Life Administration to provide a meaningful everyday life. That is what we do with all refugees."

Head of Administration: "Contrary to the values"
Nilsson, who is also politically involved in the Left Party, believes that it is completely unreasonable to believe that the municipality of Härnösand would engage in something else. When asked if there is a manager in the municipality who may have assigned the man this task, she answers:

- "No, no, it is not on the map. There is no chance. It is a set of values that is completely in conflict, but that kind of statement."

Due to what has emerged regarding the man's contacts with the Swedish Migration Board, the board of ABF Västernorrland has announced that they no longer have confidence in the man in their activities.

Earlier, Samnytt drew attention to the dental hygienist Bernt Herlitz from Gotland, who was both fired, reported to the police and risked losing his apartment when it was discovered that he had informed the Swedish Migration Board about age-cheating Afghan migrants who pretended to be minors.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2021-02-23 15:30 (saite)
Ar šādu, Stokholmas sindroma apsēstu, ierēdņu eksistenci Zviedrijā, mūsdienās nevienu vairs nepārsteigsi, to nezin tikai tie, kuri to nevēlas zināt.

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