gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-08-17 19:26:00

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Another day of Sweden YES!

Although the prosecutor in the case wanted to see the Somalian man convicted for murder, the judge gave credence to the argument of the defence lawyer who said that the entire incident had been an “accident” and that the Somalian migrant had not intended to kill Ms. Mezher at all.
Alexandra Mezher was stabbed three times in the thigh, back and on one hand. The man was held down by other residents of the home when police arrived at the scene.

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2016-08-19 06:54 (saite)
Bez šaubām, ka virtualā vide pamatu pamatos ir anonīma, taču ciba man ir kā tāda pagalma smilškaste, kur es zinu 80% no cilvēkiem, ko lasu un zinu 50% cilvēku, kuri lasa mani (aptuveni, ļoti aptuveni). Piemēram, trannijs lilja ir dzejniece A.Krivade. Un tādā garā. N-tie gadi šajā vidē liedz šo vidi uztvert kā anonīmo spēļlauciņu. Bet es tikai par sevi un savu situāciju, you kids have your fun, ghyghy!

I sucks big fats cocks.

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