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@ 2020-12-02 14:20:00

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dokumentā nav ņemts vērā 'chemical warfare scare'

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There is no other place on this planet to defect to
2020-12-02 16:51 (saite)
"Ideological subversion is the process, which is legitimate, overt, and open; you can see it with your own eyes. All you have to do, all American mass media has to do, is to unplug their bananas from their ears, open up their eyes, and they can see it."

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

Re: There is no other place on this planet to defect to
2020-12-02 16:56 (saite)
Man šī tabula šķita mēģinājums Bezmenova teoretisko režģi uzlikt mūslaiku realitātei, tāds vidēji veiksmīgs mēģinājums

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YB ir zhanra klasika : p 49
2020-12-02 17:34 (saite)

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Re: There is no other place on this planet to defect to
2020-12-02 18:11 (saite)
Tā tabula liekas ir taisīta tajos pašos 80ajos, kad gebešņiks ar šīm idejām iepazīstināja ASV un jau tad daudzas no lietām bija aktuālas.

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