gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-11-25 16:16:00

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"Anything is morally justifiable when the media has coached you into believing that you're the resistance and fighting against Nazis.
The non-stop Drumpf news cycle over the past few years wasn't orchestrated just because all these media orgs hate Trump (although they do). No, it's because they wanted to develop an army of useful idiots who'd help in stealing the election without the need for any central coordination. As we have seen, many will have acted purely on their own initiative and out of their own zeal."

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2020-11-30 19:51 (saite)
Smieklīgi, apmēram tādu atbildi arī paredzēju no cilvēka, kuram nav ne pieredzes ne sajēgas, lai saprastu, ar ko draud un uz ko ir spējīgi boļševiki. Vai tiešām ne tevi vecāki ne vecvecāki tev neko nav stāstījuši par PSRS?
Tava (un daudzu citu tev līdzīgo) aprobežotība ir vienkārši apbrīnojama!
Netaisos ne strīdēties, ne arī ko pierādīt, bet tad, kad norausies no tiem, kurus te nodēvēji par "izdomātiem ienaidniekiem", tad nabļauj, bet atceries, ka tiki brīdināta.

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