gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-11-05 01:13:00

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"Love how twitter is peppering all tweets questioning ballots with a big red “wrong think” warning"

"If Trump loses he in part deserves it for watching his own supporters get scrubbed from Reddit, YouTube, Twitter et al while he just sat on his hands and watched. Yeah, Democrats are going to play dirty. A senile old fuck who was considered a dementia addled idiot by his own party just one year ago beat him and his record breaking economy. That's what you get for letting a 24/7 corrupt media and tech industry run a train on your own base."

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2020-11-05 20:07 (saite)

demaktiivisti cieshi tic, ka viss buus chikiniekaa kaa parasti

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