gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-07-06 03:04:00

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''Liburl justice served:

Two German teenage girls (14 and 15 years old) were gangraped by four Syrian "refugees" (20, 14, 14, and 15 years old). The sentence? All of them got probation i.e. no punishment at all. And no, they won't be deported either.

Note that the crime committed actually requires a minimum sentence of 2 years but only according to regular law, not according to juvenile law, and - as usual - the German judge applied juvenile law in the case of the 20 year old too.
The justification given by the judge for that was particularly delicious: The fact that the defendant had no education and no job, as well as the crime itself were given as reasons to consider him "immature" (and thus subject to juvenile law). He did have an appartment financed by the German tax payer though (where the gangrape took place).

This is what happens when you let "progressive" people take over your nation.

German source:"

as the crime itself were given as reasons to consider him "immature"

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2016-07-09 07:08 (saite)
nav jau tā, ka mūsu bāleliņi nekad nevienu gangreipā neņemtu.

(bet tas tā, pret naratīvu neiebilstu)

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