gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2020-01-02 13:48:00

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USSR and Capitalists were all on the same side in WW2

They have always been two sides of the same coin. Communism has never actually opposed Capitalism, it has complemented it. It is the false choice. If you reject capitalist society, then you must be a communist, now off to the gulag comrade.

They complemented each other so well and firmly established the sequestration of economic, military, and social control into the hands of the government and connected elites - on both sides of the capitalist/communist coin. The only real chance for freedom we had was with fascism, which opposed the fundamentally materialist foundation of communism and capitalism and is the only fighting force that actually achieved significant gains for human, civil, and worker rights in the last century.

It's not jews specifically, they're just one force among a few at the top orchestrating things, but they all benefit from the lower/middle class fighting each other instead of them.

Communism and Capitalism are the same thing - the rich owning everything while the poor starve and die. When you look at communistic societies you do not see the public owning the means of production, you do not see everything communalized. Instead you see centralized groups and party members taking everything by force and doling it out to those they like and using resources as a form of control.

In capitalism, you do not see increasing profits and GDP benefiting the lives of the common man. Instead all assets, land, and property is increasingly gathered up into the hands of centralized groups, corporations, and party members through financial games, boom/bust cycles, and parasitical renting and usury, with the upper crust taking everything and doling some out to those they like, using the resources as a form of control.

If you want freedom, you need an economic/political system that gives the average person more power, not select individuals.

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2020-01-02 15:58 (saite)
Fašisms arī ir modernshit.
Beisik instinktus vajag turēt grožos, modernshit guberminti galīgi nav tendēti to panākt, jo paši baro savu korupciju uz to rēķina.

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2020-01-02 17:18 (saite)
/Beisik instinktus vajag turēt grožos/

tad jau sovoks ir gana labs?

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2020-01-02 20:10 (saite)
Sovoks pēc uzbūves, pārvaldes formas un ideoloģijas balstījās visu beisik un beisest instinktu čenelošanā. Institucionalizēts megakapitālisms arī.

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2020-01-03 00:14 (saite)
ej nu tur tak seksa nebija un morālais kodekss un tikumība un visas lietas :D

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2020-01-03 00:28 (saite)
Pareizi, tas bija pilnībā balstīts uz meliem un liekulības par to kas tas patiesībā ir. Mūsdienu SJW subhjūmani šajā ziņā perfekti pārmantojuši sovoka tradīcijas. Tiesa, ar visu to bagāžu, ko tas nesa, pat sovokā bija mazāk sociālas deģenerācijas nekā korporatīvajā kapitālismā šodien.

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2020-01-03 00:56 (saite)
emmm tu vrb esi ievērojis ka tikko viss kļūst organizēti ļoti tikli tā gaidāms horrors

Sovoks - komunisma cēlāju morāle, obliko morale turisto soveto, seksa nau
ziemeļkoreja - dresskodi sievietēm un vīriešiem, stingri ievērojot dzimumu lomas, prostitūtu medības utt
irāna - melni kvadrāti virs sportistu ķermeīem, ka tik kāds kko neierauga
nu un tā tālāk

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2020-01-03 01:13 (saite)
Neteiktu, ka lielāks horrors par sabiedrībām, kas importē svešzemju varmākas, lai terorizētu pašu tautu, taisa no maziem bērniem bezdzimuma kropļus, normalizē infanticīdu etc., bet tajā pašā laikā pompozi deklarē sevi par morālām lielvalstīm.

progresīvie Rietumi man atgādina šo kadru:

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2020-01-03 01:18 (saite)
Nu jā un te arī ir manis minētās iezīmes, piemēram sejasgrāmata ieskrienas tā cenzēt visu ka antīkās skulptūras un renesanses gleznas aiziet, tāpat visa veida neveselīga interese ko kurš domā par seksu utt.

Tikko šajā ziņā ir par maz veselīga pohujisma tā kļūst slikti. Tas dro;ši vien nav cēlonos bet tas ir viens no indikatoriem ka kkas nav okej.

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