gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2016-06-09 23:10:00

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''Yes, religion has declined; much like every other aspect of mankind. But picking the silliest examples of it doesn't prove much except that people can be silly. One can just as easily "refute" atheism with stupidity from Reddit and ignoring all the Nietzsches, Bertrand Russells and David Humes. Which should make one realize that atheism and skepticism in general have declined too. The new atheists are possibly the most philosophically-ignorant and superstitious bunch in history; when frontmen like Dawkins and Sam Harris (a philosopher, ironically) don't even bother to learn the basics of what their opponents believe and have made science and evolution the focus of their pseudo-religion. New Atheism is no longer the negative rejection of something, but the positive evangelism of another.''

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2016-06-10 21:15 (saite)
> The new atheists are possibly the most philosophically-ignorant and superstitious bunch in history

salīdzinot ar lauciniekiem no psrs pirms gadiem 50, kuru zināšanas aprobežojas ar ateisma lekciju kolhoza kultūras namā? nu nu.

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2016-06-12 12:21 (saite)
Iet runa par cilvēkiem, kuri sevi uzskata par intelektuāļiem.

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2016-06-12 13:09 (saite)
Nezināju, ka reddit komentētāji ir intelektuāļi.

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2016-06-12 16:04 (saite)
Nezināju, ka Davkins, Hariss un tamlīdzīgie ir reddittardi.

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