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@ 2019-11-03 20:13:00

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Exemplary rapefugee Ali B. (22) receives another sentence

For gangraping an 11-year-old girl, multiple times. At three different occasions actually. He did it with a fellow "refugee" from Afghanistan - Mansoor Q. - and his little brother who isn't even 14 yet and thus won't be punished for these crimes at all (Yea for the German "justice" system). And yes, Ali B.'s brother will keep enjoying the "protection" of very humane Germany and keep walking around freely on our streets. Mansoor Q. got 4.5 years nominal, which is actually the highest sentence against a minor for rape I have ever seen in Germany. This is partially explained by the fact that the court did rule it was a particularly horrific case.

The girl was considered unfit for trial by the way, she is currently in a psychiatric institution and is heavily medicated because of severe trauma.

Note though that Mansoor Q. will actually be released in 2.25 years i.e. when he is 16 unless he commits new crimes in prison because that is the rule in the German juvenile "justice" system. So that guy will soon be a diverse, enriching threat on Germany's streets again too. I mean, you don't think we would deport "children" like Mansoor Q. right? In particular not to Afghanistan because it wouldn't be SAFE for him there!

Ali B. himself got 7.5 years nominal. Which again is the highest sentence I have seen for such a case. Note that other Muslims got away with as little as 6 months for similar crimes.

Ali B. is already serving a "life sentence" for the rape and murder of a 14-year-old girl though. Of course this being Gaymany "life sentence" actually means only 15 years. And no, those 7 years won't be added on top of that because of yet another German law designed to protect criminals against being punished. Something like "multiple life sentences" or "250 years in prison" (in total) which is possible e.g. in the US is not possible in Germany. A "life sentence" is the maximum so you can commit as many crimes as you want you will never get more than a "life sentence" i.e. 15 years. And it is not even guaranteed that he will serve those 15 years!

However, given that during his murder trial he was judged a sociopath without remorse or empathy, chance is he won't get an early release. But even if he does not, that means this monster will still be out on the street again at 37!

Tl;dr: The German legal system needs to be gassed.

German source:

Lied to avoid deportation: Migrant charged with shocking murder of elderly woman in Germany FOOLED authorities & lived on benefits

A suspect in a high-profile murder of an elderly woman in the German eastern state of Thuringia may have created a false identity in order to live in Germany, police revealed as the man was brought to court.
A man that now stands accused of a brutal murder of his 87-year-old neighbor could have been deported from Germany long ago – had he not forged his entire story upon entry, the police disturbingly revealed.

Asked about any “inconsistencies” in the suspect’s profile during the hearing, the Criminal Superintendent of the city of Jena, Jens Thiel, said that the data extracted from the man’s smartphone suggests the background he provided to the German migration authorities might be completely false.

The suspect arrived to Germany back in 2011 and claimed to be an accompanied minor from Afghanistan. He also said his name was Auwel Nom Lakab. Now, the man is being identified as Mohammed A., and police say he may have lied about his date of birth too.

Crucially, Mohammed might have come from Pakistan, as his smartphone contains around 50 Pakistani numbers but none from Afghanistan – and this includes the contact designated as “mother.” This is also supported by additional evidence from interpreters who studied his messages.

The twist adds a whole new dimension to the already high-profile case, as Mohammed’s initial asylum request was rejected by the German authorities back in 2011 but he was still allowed to stay – precisely because it was believed that the undocumented migrant came from Afghanistan.

Afghanistan is deemed an ‘unsafe country’ in Germany and deportations there have been on hold for years. Pakistan, however, lacks such a designation.

Shocking brutality & greed

The victim, identified as Ursula P., was found wrapped in a bed sheet in a suitcase stored in a cellar in January 2019. According to police, the woman was brutally beaten and received a stab wound, only to be eventually strangled with a scarf.

Her neighbor, the allegedly 24-year-old migrant, was soon arrested on suspicion of murder as his DNA was found all over the victim’s body, as well as one of his fingernails. While the suspect has kept silent ever since his arrest, police believe he acted out of greed.

The investigators found photos of the woman’s identity card and a debit card on the suspect’s phone together with her account statement suggesting she had €10,000 ($ 11,149) in her bank account. The suspect unsuccessfully attempted to move €7,000 ($ 7,804) from the victim’s account to his own shortly after the murder.

The victim and the suspect knew each other. According to local media reports, the woman was so impressed by the migrant’s sad tales about his father having been allegedly beheaded and his mother being blind that she repeatedly supported him with significant sums of money. In total, she gave the suspect €10,000, according to the Focus Magazine report.

‘Apologize to Allah’

The man was somewhat unbalanced by his brutal act, as his WhatsApp chat partner was seen advising he apologize to Allah for what he had done and “ask Prophet Muhammad for help.”

However, other evidence suggests it was not just a spontaneous act of aggression. The browser search history on his smartphone indicates that he looked up “robber killers,”“death penalty in Germany” and “duration of detention,” and studied the history of a German serial killer known as “the Midday Murderer,” who killed seven people in the 1960s. Otherwise, he spent most of his time on the internet betting on sports, surfing porn sites and looking for prostitutes near his residential area.

The man, who had no education or professional qualifications and lived on social benefits ever since he came to Germany, was also known to police as a repeat offender. He was previously detained on at least five occasions and was accused of fraud, insulting and threatening people.

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2019-11-03 22:56 (saite)
Un meiteņu vecāki turpinās tos lopu pilnībā uzturēt visu viņu mūźu, vienalga - cietumā vai ārpus.

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2019-11-04 01:49 (saite)
Jā, jo sūtīt viņus atpakaļ uz kloāku, no kuras viņi atlīduši nebūtu droši viņu labklājībai. Prioritātes, zinies. Tas, ka viņi 100 punkti turpinās savu kulturālo bagātību izplatīt pēc iznākšanas no aresta savā vieglā režīma sanatorijā, protams, nav aktuāla drošības problēma. Kuru gan piš kaut kādas izvarotas meitenes, galvenais lai mūs nesauc par nacistiem.

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