gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2019-10-20 19:33:00

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goy diet
Why Is The Elitist Establishment So Obsessed With Meat?
Vegetarian and vegan diets have been shown to lower overall IQ due to lack of nutrients required for brain health. This is because the human brain NEEDS fatty acids such as Omega 3 which is only found in saturated fats in meats. There is no substitute in the plant world. Saturated fats from animal protein have been shown to increase cognitive function as well as memory.
My theory? That meat is a cognitive enhancer as well as a strength enhancer and the elites at the UN and other globalists organizations are seeking to remove it from our diet based on lies because such a change could contribute to a dumber and weaker population that would be easier to control.

Fake meat is also highly processed and uses a complicated method to mimic beef protein structures. It can only be created in a lab and mass produced in a factory. You will never be able to make your own Beyond Meat burger. Meaning, by banning or taxing meat into oblivion and replacing it with an industrial substitute, the establishment will have made society effectively dependent on them for a significant portion of their dietary needs.

Not only do they hope to make us dumber and weaker, they also hope to make us desperately dependent.

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2019-10-22 13:57 (saite)
Pie kam francijā piemēram šamos, ja sāk traucēt sabiedrisko kārtību [ apķēpāt veikalus, traucēt pasākumus utt] vienkārši noķer un tiesā. Nez vai tā darītu ja kaut kādas slepenas elites šamos suportētu.

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2019-10-22 20:40 (saite)
Tad nah medijos jau gadiem deldētās veģ/veg propagandas vēl pievienojušies ntie raksti un viģikpārraides par to kā vajadzētu izskatīt proteīniem bagāto insektu un tārpu kautķermeņus un vispār, vai tik nav jāpārskata tabu pret kanibālismu?
Tas kāds jauns modes brēciens? Medijos, kas ir vienveidīgs kompartijas orgāns.
Nu un vēl >šādas iniciatīvas.

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2019-10-22 21:55 (saite)
Vāciešiem ir drusku par daudz viscaurvainīguma kulta

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