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@ 2019-08-08 01:15:00

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Animal friends: Hedgehogs and Squirrels are tormented in "immigrant-dense areas"

Published August 7, 2019 at 16.06

DOMESTIC. It is in "immigrant-dense areas" that hedgehogs, squirrels and other wildlife are attacked. That's what Annica Sjöberg, chairman of Animal Friends in Nässjö, says to News Today.

P4 Jönköping noted on Tuesday that there are more and more alarms about animal cruelty in Nässjö.

These include young people and children in "special areas" who attack and kick football with hedgehogs and throw rocks at squirrels, Annica Sjöberg, chair of the Friends of the Animals in Nässjö, told P4.

Sjöberg now explains to News Today what she means.

- "These are immigrant-dense areas, unfortunately. Somehow we have it with us in our morals since childhood that you do not hurt animals in that way. Previously, we used to write notes in different languages and tell us exactly, and it was a lot of hedgehogs and squirrels that were in danger. We were out in schools talking about what our laws say and what not to do with animals and so on", says Annica Sjöberg.

She also notes that "there is a real difference in how animals are handled in Sweden and in other countries such as Africa".

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