gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-12-17 22:21:00

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Germany has the same problem as the US: The people do no longer believe what the mainstream media tells them. Even the reason is the same: Bots are posting Fake News on social media. Because real Germans would only ever post approved mainstream media news.

But in contrast to the US, German politicians have a solution to this problem: You simply pass a law that states that Social Media platforms need to earmark posts that were made by bots. Problem solved!

from the comments bottomline:

Some company named botswatch which is close to the cdu/csu analyzed tweets and came to the conclusion everyone I dont like is a russian bot. they did not like about 28% of the 800k (or so) tweets they checked and declared them "russian hitlerbots who sway people away from the great migrationpact". Of course there are people with half a brain out there and some of them asked "how did you actually analyze this and under which circumstances do you count a tweet as bot tweet" to which botswatch gave the very professional answer of "lol fuck off".

So we now have some people that use the tried and true method of claiming everyone is a bot (preferably russian I assume) and the government who wants new laws against these bots without even checking if what botswatch said is even in the vicinity of "probably, maybe.... if we look hard enough"

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2018-12-17 23:30 (saite)
Muh Russia intensifies...

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