gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-12-14 13:37:00

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BIG if true (pagaidām tikai viens fraču avots)
A group of French military generals have written an open letter to Emmanuel Macron accusing the French President of committing “treason” by signing the UN migration pact.

"Mister President,

You are about to sign the “Global Compact on Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration” on 10 and 11 December, which establishes a genuine right to migration. It may impose itself on our national legislation through pre-existing treaties or the principle of common responsibility set out in this pact.

It seems to us that the only sovereignty that will remain with France will consist in freely setting the way in which the objectives of the pact will have to be implemented. You can not give up this new part of the national sovereignty without a public debate whereas 80% of the French population considers that it is necessary to stop or regulate drastically the immigration. By deciding alone to sign this pact, you would add an additional reason for revolt to the anger of an already battered people. You would be guilty of a denial of democracy or treason against the nation.

In addition, the finances of our country are drained and our debt is growing. You can not take the risk of an expensive call for air migration without first showing that you will not have to resort to more taxes to meet the objectives of the pact. On the other hand, you must be able, in terms of security, to curb the consequences linked to the arrival of extra-European populations. Finally, you can not ignore that the very essence of politics is to ensure security on the outside and harmony within. However, this concord can be obtained only if it maintains a certain internal coherence of the society alone capable of allowing to want to do together, which becomes more and more problematic today.

In fact, the French state is late in coming to realize the impossibility of integrating too many people, in addition to totally different cultures, who have regrouped in the last forty years in areas that no longer submit to the laws of the Republic.

You can not decide alone to erase our civilizational landmarks and deprive us of our carnal homeland.

We therefore ask you to defer the signing of this pact and call by referendum the French to vote on this document. You are accountable to the French of your actions. Your election is not a blank.

We support the initiative of General MARTINEZ against the signature of this pact which must be adopted by the Member States of the UN at the Intergovernmental Conference of Marrakech.

General Antoine MARTINEZ

Charles MILLON – Former Minister of Defense

General Marc BERTUCCHI

General Philippe CHATENOUD

General André COUSTOU

General Roland DUBOIS

General Daniel GROSMAIRE

General Christian HOUDET

General Michel ISSAVERDENS

Admiral Patrick MARTIN

General Christian PIQUEMAL

General Daniel SCHAEFFER

General Didier TAUZIN

Colonel Jean Louis CHANAS"

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2018-12-14 16:56 (saite)
Drīksti uzskatīt, ka pārpublicēju, jo atbalstītu šāda veida darbību un man patīk kā tur viss formulēts. Cerams, ka tā ir patiesība un ir vēl saprāta balsis starp valsts ietekmīgajiem. Es būtu formulējis uz mata tāpat. Viva la France!

(woo woo esmu influenceris un rašnbots)

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2018-12-14 17:35 (saite)
Es domāju, tad šo var nosaukt par tādu puslīdz apzinātu fake news publicēšanu tad. Nav problēmu, bet liekas, ka pats esi agrāk pārmetis kreisajiem medijiem fake news'ošanu.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2018-12-14 18:00 (saite)
Redzi, es neesmu medijs un no manis daudz nevar prasīt. No "zolīdajiem" medijiem kā reiz jā, es negaidītu šādu pīli (pat, ja tā var izrādīties zoss) ne no viena. Politiskajam biasam jābūt malā no raportēšanas. 4tā vara kā nekā.
Diemžēl tas vairs nav standarts. BBC, kuru piespiedu kārtā jāfinansē katram UK pilsonim, pat aklajiem un kurlajiem un tiem, kam nekādas aparatūras, ir atklāti partizānisks aģitpropagandas kanāls ārpus sporta un lika ziņām. Nemaz nerunāsim par ASV.

Sausais atlikums te laikam ir tāds, ka fight fire with fire. Mēs nevaram pārspēt kreisos nenolaižoties līdz viņu līmenim. Godīgie, konservatīvie, kas spēlē pēc noteikumiem, padirš. Ir padirsuši jau dekādēm un turpinās padirst, ja nefreimos diskursu paši.

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