gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-06-28 13:21:00

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patiesība vs BBC propagandons
relevents koments:

"But you don't have a refugee problem," (you should take more)

"Your elections and democracy are a sham." (Says someone who is paid by the government through an enforced tax to parrot state propaganda who try to destroy brexit with the government)

What I hate most of all is the idea that this sad case woman who is supposed to be a journalist, feels she has the right to lecture another country and it's people as being racist or backward or corrupt with Hungary's history and that they are wrong and she is right even though she has no knowledge of their history or identity. And this silly cow talks about Xenophobia:D While fearing Hungarian ideas of self-preservation, with no respect to their past.


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2018-06-29 19:15 (saite)
Tiešām pārsteidzošs "moment of lucidity" no Pīrsa puses. Kad viņam pašam uzbrūk par to, ka viņam personīgi patīk kāds cilvēks, kas sjw skatījumā ir ienaidnieks. Laikam Pīrs nemaz nav tik slikts cilvēks kā domāju, bet viņš ļoti labi strādā saviem saimniekiem par prieku in the meantime.
Nebiju šito redzējis. Tas tikai parāda, ka galvenie naida kūdītāji ir traki sjw cilvēki. Normāli konservatīviķi un normāli liberāļi vienmēr spēj sarunāt kā lietas tālāk ies. Ar ļevokiem tas neiet. Vai nu tu esi ar mums vai pret mums. Punkts.

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