gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-06-19 13:31:00

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Spain’s new interior minister just promised to remove razor wire at Melilla and Ceuta borders
Nabaga iebrucējiņi no Marokas bieži iepinas un savainojas uz robežas izliktajās dzeloņstieplēs (that's the point, no?). Iekšlietu ministrs izdarīs visu, lai šāds šķērslis nelegālajiem migrantiem vairs nebūt jāpārvara. Tā, viņa paša vārdiem, ir šī brīža galvenā prioritāte. Labas viņiem tur prioritātes.

Sorossavienības līderi kā ierasts nepieviļ.

The European Parliament’s Brexit chief has branded leading Brexiteers as pro-Putin “fifth columnists” who want to destroy Europe from within.

Guy Verhofstadt said there was a “circle of evil around our continent” stretching from “Putin, Erdogan, and on a bad day – and that’s every day at the moment – even Trump”.

But turning to Europe’s populist right-wing parties, he added: “But our problem runs deeper than that, deeper than only foreign policy or external security. Europe has a fifth column in its ranks. Let’s be honest.

“I call them the cheerleaders of Putin: Le Pen, Wilders, Farage. They’re doing only one thing: they take Kremlin money, they take Kremlin intelligence.

“Like Arron Banks, the good friend of Nigel Farage here, who colluded with Russians to make Brexit happen. Together with government leaders like Orbàn, Kaczynski, Salvini: these people have only one goal and that is to destroy Europe, to kill our liberal democracy.”
“The inconvenient truth is that we are on our own today. If there is an attack on European soil, we cannot be sure anymore that America will come and save us. So it’s about time we take our own responsibility,” he said, adding that Europe needed to develop its own defence capability.

Kad nekādu labu argumentu vai pat emo-rantu, lai attaisnotu sevis savārītos sūdus nav, tad vienmēr var izvilkt muh russia conspirashun kārti. Lūk kā amerikāņi importē ne tikai savu pop, bet arī politisko kultūru pa visu pasauli.:)

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2018-06-19 15:58 (saite)
Zviedru ziņās pēdējā laikā mēdz pieminēt labo sociķu valdīšanu Spānijā, pretstatā ļaunajiem itāļiem.

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2018-06-19 16:20 (saite)
Ir tikai laika jautājums cik ilgi spāņiem pietiks pacietība pret bagātināšanu.

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