Nerunāju ne viena vārdā konkrēti, bet solidarizējos ar, teiksim, vāciešiem, kas redz sev apkārt notiekošo absurdu un spriež šādi
They just found the body of a murdered 14-year old German girl. The prime suspect is - oh surprise! - an Iraqi "refugee". Unfortunately said "refugee" fled back to Iraq.. together with his entire family. Makes you wonder how dangerous it really was for them there and whether we really need to grant these people asylum here.
Every time I read such articles I kinda want to angrily say to Merkel & Co that the primary duty of the German state is to ensure the safety of its citizens and NOT to provide Mohammedans and Africans with shelter and welfare checks. I think it is just fucking common sense that if letting a certain group of people into your country for humanitarian reasons leads to your own people becoming victimized, leads to massively increased crime rates, and countless victims among your own people such a migration must be stopped and the people must be made to leave the country.
The threat to these people's safety is massively exaggerated but even if it weren't: IMO a state should value the safety of its own citizens a thousand times more than the safety of foreigners. Again, just common sense if you ask me, but here in Germany that makes you a Nazi.
To be honest, I am not willing to sacrifice a single German girl for the safety of Afghan men (multiple German girls have already been murdered by Afghan "refugees" and god knows how many have been raped).
People are responsible for their own countries. If Afghans, Syrians, Iraqis, Nigerians etc. want peace, prosperity, safety they have to accomplish these things themselves, in their own countries. If you start a civil war because of your Islamic fanaticism and general lack of civil, democratic culture that does not give you the moral right to jump into someone else's made bed. Europeans always had to live through their own wars, civil or otherwise, and somehow had to try to rebuild their lives in bombed out cities, suffer under brutal dictatorships etc. Why is it "inhuman" to expect Muslims to do the same?
The police has released more information now. The girl was raped and then murdered, actually by two guys. Again, one of them a 20-year-old Iraqi "refugee" who has fled to Iraq..
..the other one a 35-year-old Turk who has already been arrested.
It's beautiful to see Muslim immigrants of different immigrant generations working together!
Two more interesting details about the case above:
- Again the victim was in a sexual relationship with the perpetrator. German parents really need to start getting racist and stop allowing their daughters to have Muslim boyfriends. I mean, Muslim families don't allow their daughters to have non-Muslim ones and I keep hearing Muslims are very tolerant people.
- The Iraqi overestimated the strength of the Ummah: He actually bragged about killing the girl in the refugee shelter, in Arabic one assumes, probably expecting that none of his brothers of faith would report him to the German police. However a 13-year-old boy did.
Oh my god this keeps getting better!
- The Iraqi was a known criminal, and had already committed multiple crimes before this one here in Germany, including armed robbery and maybe rape of an 11-year-old girl (ongoing case). But because Germany is so "humanitarian" we (usually) don't deport foreign criminals.
The victim was actually Jewish!
This has been officially confirmed by the Central Council of Jews.
At this point I need to point out that the initial report that the Iraqi and the victim were in a relationship has not been officially confirmed. The local newspaper reported that but it may or may not be true. It seems highly unlikely considering her background, though.
Man I can't take it anymore, this is surreal
- The Iraqi applied for asylum claiming he was threatened by... the PKK! Kurds only rule parts of Northern Iraq. What exactly prevented him from going to one of the places in Iraq where the PKK has no power. You know, most of them! Anyway his request for asylum was denied. Sounds reasonable. He sued but the court confirmed the decision. Sounds reasonable. But then he was allowed to stay anyway! Despite being a criminal! Despite having no valid grounds for asylum!
- And it gets better: His accomplice the Turk was actually a "refugee" too who arrived here only recently and guess based on what grounds he applied for asylum.. he claimed to be a militant member of the PKK!
I guess the guys somehow overcame their differences.
Clown world. Fucking clown world.