gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-05-22 13:29:00

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DOMESTIC. "Nazism is on the rise and threatens Europe again." This claims Liberal Party leader Jan Björklund in Swedish National TV's debate: "Talk to the nation - my Sweden in 2028". SD leader Jimmie Åkesson was pointed out as one of those who want to "eradicate liberalism forever".
-"Right extremists, left-wingers and Islamists are on the rise, in the world, in Europe and in Sweden," he pointed out.

The Liberal leader then pointed out the Swedish Democrats party leader Jimmie Åkesson, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orbán as the "high-priests" of this new wave of nazism.

-"What do they have for goals? They will all respond to the same thing: to eradicate liberalism forever. To destroy our society model. To pass liberal values into the wastebin of history. That's their ultimate goal."

Hmm, interesanti, ka viņš piemin arī kreisos un islamu, bet ko īsti viņa partija dara lietas labā? Cik ekstrēmai jākļūst situācijai uz ielām, lai paši liberāļi un socdemi sāktu pat runāt par problēmām, kuras piedāvā risināt 'nacisma augstais priesteris' (lol) Akesons?

Liberals shitting their pants and quivering in their dirty hovels over the echoes of marching boots, while Swedish police goes out and warns women not to walk alone and always be on the look-out since this summer could very much be a "rape-summer", and at the same time, the National Employment Agency (AF) failed like a elite pro in their latest try to get immigrants to work:

"Over 60 % of immigrant participants in a preparatory training for newcomers are still enrolled at the Employment Service after four years of training and barely every fourth of them have any form of employment. Among the 40 percent who were no longer enrolled in the program, barely every third of them got a job. This is shown a new review from the Office of the Auditor General."

Iedomājos kā viņi ķēzītu bikses, ja atkal sāktu atdzimt reāli nacistu grupējumi. Tā svaidīšanās ar loaded vārdiem var pamatīgi iešaut pašu kājā.
Tuvākās vēlēšanas Svensonijā būs bomba.

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2018-05-23 23:56 (saite)
reāli saprotot, ka vispopulārākai būtu jabūt 51?

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