gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-03-11 19:22:00

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At least I understand now why Germans are so hated. In fact I am beginning to hate them myself.

They are incapable to refuse allegiance to their prevailing leaders, right unto the catastrophe. They followed Hitler in '33-45 when it was "Deutschland Über Alles" and now they follow in the exact opposite direction. Even though it's 100% clear now that those politicians are the worst enemies of Germany. What a lousy nation of yes-men.

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2018-03-11 23:27 (saite)
Kas tā tāda par "interneta statistiku"? Aptaujas par musļiku viedokļiem iekš UK vismaz veica kaut kāda statistikas firma. Tas, ka rezultātus publicē internetā to padara par "interneta statistiku" tādā pašā veidā, kā publikācija avīzē par avīžstatistiku. Propaganda ir tukša retorika par jakobi brīnišķīgu integrācija, kas ir pretrunā ar pašu integrējamo atklāti pausto.

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