gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2018-01-02 17:00:00

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Beidzot tas murgs ir galā un no 1. janvāra vāciešiem vairs nebūs jābažas par sliktām ziņām.

"Sites that do not remove "obviously illegal" posts could face fines of up to 50m euro (£44.3m).

The law gives the networks 24 hours to act after they have been told about law-breaking material.

Facebook has reportedly recruited several hundred staff in Germany to deal with reports about content that breaks the NetzDG and to do a better job of monitoring what people post. (jaunas darbavietas - labi)
Germany's justice ministry said it would make forms available on its site, which concerned citizens could use to report content that violates NetzDG or has not been taken down in time."

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2018-01-02 22:16 (saite)
visiem, kuriem tik ilgi pietrūka Stasi, atkal būs darba pilnas rociņas :)

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