gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-11-19 12:53:00

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Technology was indeed a mistake, but Kaczynski still got it wrong when he reasoned that man's true purpose is to basically be like an animal, with everything a man does (including, one would assume, religion) being nothing but a "surrogate" for the lack of meaning an existence freed from the raw struggle for survival may bring. As invaluable as some of his insights were, the man was still basically a moderntard and still believed in moderntarded things. True traditionalism is not primitivism. Our rejection of technology does not stem from the erroneous belief that man is nothing but an animal and thus anything of an "artificial" nature is extraneous to his nature. To the contrary, since we believe that man was created in the image of God, and since it is in the nature of God to create, we also believe it is in the nature of man to create, and thus, man's artifacts are actually a "natural" expression of man's nature. Where we draw the line is when man's artifices become devoid of any spiritual component, so that rather than becoming a vehicle for man's natural desire for creative expression, which actually was present even in the making of so called "mundane" or "everyday" objects:


creation becomes a vehicle for the expression of a purely mechanistic, quantitative and ultimately "denatured" type of thinking (notice how objects made by human hands are still seen as more valuable as those made by machines, despite the fact a machine is supposedly more "precise" than any human hand) which leaves the soul starving and from thence comes the desire to acquire ever more and more material objects of increasingly complex and time consuming nature.

One of the biggest issues i have with making people understand just how traditional societies worked is precisely this. That anything in those societies was geared towards the natural fulfillment of man's spiritual needs. That this is so can be readily seen by the fact anything that in those days was considered "work" today has become "hobby" some people do for "recreation" outside their modern job. Think about that for a second.

(Ierakstīt jaunu komentāru)

2017-11-19 14:54 (saite)
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(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2017-11-19 15:15 (saite)

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais)

2017-11-27 21:17 (saite)
"That this is so can be readily seen by the fact anything that in those days was considered "work" today has become "hobby" some people do for "recreation" outside their modern job"

Nu, mani hobiji ir lietas, ko man patīk darīt nelielos daudzumos un tikai tad, kad ir iedvesma. Es justos gaužām nelaimīga, ja es būtu spiesta ar tiem nodarboties, lai sevi uzturētu.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Diskusija)

2017-11-28 00:03 (saite)
Bet tomēr vilkme ir. Par nelaimīgumu var spriest tikai tad, ja apskata izvēles. Es laikam tomēr izvēlētos zvejot zivis vai nodarboties ar amatniecību, nevis visu dzīvi tusēt kjubiklā vai makdonaldā/wallmartā, bet var jau būt, ka ir cilvēki, kam patīk tie dīvainie modernie darbi. :\

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2017-11-28 10:36 (saite)
Redzi, uzadīt kādu džemperi bez īpašas steigas (reizēm nedēļas vai divu laikā, reizēm pusotrā gadā) pie kāda interesanta seriāla ir viena lieta, bet vispār man nepatīk adīt/šūt lietas citiem, jo tad viņi gaida, kad būs, un iestājas morālā poha, jo piegriezies un gribētos nolikt iesākto malā līdz nākamajai iedvesmai. Tas pats ar makšķerēšanu - jauki pasēdēt pie upes ar badapātagu, kad ir noskaņojums un ciešami laikapstākļi, bet tajās reizēs, kad mamma gribētu, lai pārstiepju kādu līdaku, bet man nafig neķeras, tomēr drūmi.
Savukārt ķert un labot tarakānus datorprogrammās man nav īpašas vilkmes brīvajā laikā, bet kā ikdienas darbs man tas liekas pat ļoti patīkams variants.

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