gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-11-02 20:32:00

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German intelligence cock-blocking the diversity again: Syrian refugee terrorist arrested before he could blow himself up
This was his plan: Build a bomb and then blow himself up in a large crowd of people to kill as many as possible in the name of Allah.

That would have been a great Christmas story but no goatfuckers keep using the internet to communicate their plans ignorantly assuming they are actually anonymous. There is no means of online communication which cannot be wiretapped by Western intelligence agencies. The moment Mohammedans understand this we will have a real problem.

German source:

Sausais atlikums: no krietni lielāka skaita ''bēgļu'' terorisma Eiropu šobrīd vis efektīvāk pasargā tas, ka potenciālie perpi ir ļoti low INT babaji.

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2017-11-02 23:59 (saite)
Bet tajā pašā laikā low int babaji ir labi ekonomikai un diversitātē spēks.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2017-11-03 10:01 (saite)
Eh, ne par vienu no šiem pārliecinošu argumentu neesmu dzirdējis.

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