gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-10-20 18:45:00

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Moderates and Sweden Democratic parliamentarians have put a motion to put armed military units against criminal gangs in the city suburbs. In Stockholm it is will be Rinkeby, Tensta, Husby and Hallunda / Norsborg, reports Botkyrka Direkt.

It is moderate with support from Sweden Democrats in the Riksdag, which made a move to expand police-military cooperation to stop the crime in Sweden's immigrant suburbs, and to relieve the hard-pressed police authority.

The motion was filed on October 4, and has been signed by 20 MPs.

According to SVT Nyheter, the Riksdag has supported the motion and proposed that the government should as quickly as possible investigate the possibility of cooperation between the military and the police.

"It is the responsibility of the state to maintain the law, especially the police. But the police today do not have the numerical ability to maintain public order. Then the eyes quickly sets on the military, says Mikael Cederbratt (M) to Botkyrka Direct.

Dožiļi ne? Zviedrijā nu ir savas 'favelas', kur dienu un nakti nāksies dežurēt militārajai policijai kā Brazīlijā un dažās citās 3/2ās pasaules valstīs. Sekas dekādēm ilgai ļevoku valdīšanai uz sejas pat nomināli attīstītās valstīs.

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2017-10-22 21:36 (saite)
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