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@ 2017-10-10 21:22:00

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jaunumi no feministiskās lielvaras
Criminal prosecutor Elisabeth Massi Fritz now confirms the general picture that many rapes are committed by immigrants, at least in the cases where she handles. There the most suspected offenders are usually immigrants or born abroad, she writes on Instagram.

"The rape reports are increasing and on my table I have over a 200 reports of rapes and group rapes. The huge majority of the suspects I meet in these cases have a foreign background," writes Massi Fritz.

To find out if it is a coincidence or if it just looks so generally, she asked a colleague to call the Crime Prevention Council, Brå and ask for information.

But it didnt help. There are no such figures sicne noone have ever taken it up to make a research about it, according to Massi Fritz.

"So when my friend called me back i asked her "So, how does the general overview of these things look?" "I do not know. Also, neither is there any numbers or reports to look at, because such statistics do not exist due to being claimed as racist." I thought what i misheard her response at first" she writes.

"This can not be continued, we need to know how big this is", according to Elisabeth Massi Fritz.

According to her, there must be fair and clear statistics about the perpetrators' background. Otherwise, it is not possible to work preventively and stop rape in the country.

She points out that Sweden's government must begin to take the matter seriously and "dare lift the lid".

"How else will we fight these terrible and tough rapes committed against all victims? It's the perpetrator that's the problem," Massi Fritz points out, saying that she personally will move on with the question and work for a change.

"This is NOT acceptable at all," writes Elisabeth Massi Fritz at Instagram.

Kā sapratu, tad minētā kundze ir samērā prominenta persona Zviedru tiesību sistēmā. Tāpat nebrīnīšos, ja viņa drīz zaudēs darbu.

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2017-10-10 21:56 (saite)
Viņai ir savs advokātu birojs, specializējusies tā sauktajos ģimenes goda noziegumos, vardarbības ģimenē un izvarošanu prāvās pārstāv cietušo pusi, tāpēc darba iespējas viņai tikai pieaug.

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