gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-05-08 15:29:00

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''Paris syndrome (French: Syndrome de Paris, Japanese: パリ症候群, Pari shōkōgun) is a transient mental disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or vacationing to Paris, as a result of extreme shock resulting from their finding out that Paris is not what they had expected it to be. It is characterized by a number of psychiatric symptoms such as acute delusional states, hallucinations, feelings of persecution (perceptions of being a victim of prejudice, aggression, or hostility from others), derealization, depersonalization, anxiety, and also psychosomatic manifestations such as dizziness, tachycardia, sweating, and others, such as vomiting.[1]Similar syndromes include Jerusalem syndrome and Stendhal syndrome. The condition is commonly viewed as a severe form of culture shock. It is particularly noted among Japanese travelers.''

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2017-05-08 17:12 (saite)
Vairāk saistāms ar to, ka japāņi savā samērā konservatīvajā izolētībā un homogenitātē vēl nav sapratuši, ka Parīze jau sen vairs nav asociējama ar baltiem cilvēkiem beretēs vārdā ''Žaks'', franču maizi, Edīti Piafu, Pjēra Rīšāra filmām un romantisku pasēdēšanu omulīgā āra kafejnīcā pie Elizejas laukiem, bet ir kaut kas daudz tuvāks ūtrupes placim kaut kur Somālijā. Shatered expectations.

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