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Police: Man spray-painted swastikas on his own home
Andrew King speaks with NewsChannel 13 last month. At right is one of the swastikas that was spray-painted on the home. | Photo: File / WNYT.March 20, 2017 06:55 PMSCHENECTADY - A Schenectady man who claimed someone spray-painted swastikas on his Chiswell Road home last month, did it himself.That’s according to Schenectady police. They’ve now arrested 54-year-old Andrew King and charged him with falsely reporting an incident.King also faces harassment charges in connection with a separate incident where police say he threatened to harm an individual.He’s now being held in the Schenectady County Jail and is due to be arraigned on Tuesday.
Nav pirmais šād veida 'false flag' bs no liberastu puses. Iestājusies tāda izmisuma fāze, ka viņi vairs netic savai melīgajai propaganda, tāpēc jārada feika realitāte pašu rokām.