gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-03-05 11:07:00

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we're in ur cartoon, rapin' ur childhood
Zō, nekrietnie pissanti gatavo rimeiku pīļu stāstiem. Rimeiks rimeikam rimeiks, bet šitas izskatās pēc kaut kā īpaši atbaidoša.
vot tā
Patīk viens koments, kas p. mač atspoguļo manas sajūtas noskatoties šo treileri.

Holy fuck that art style is cold and austere.

Old Disney animation had warmth and was very rounded in nature. And the writing and feel is wrong. Again, no warmth. Kids aren't kids and acting like kids the way they used to, they now have an edgy cool that's off puttingly try hard.

This is nothing but lifeless, cynical post-modern crap that feels more like a bad satire than a remake.

PS. Jā, multenes ir makten svarīga padarīšana.

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2017-03-06 19:08 (saite)
Ko piepisies par maniem bērniem?

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2017-03-06 21:15 (saite)
svarīgs kveščens.

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