gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-01-29 15:22:00

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Var būt, ka man tiešām nebija taisnība attiecībā uz to gadījumu par brūnajiem varotājiem skolā, jo izskatās, ka Zviedrijas skolu sistēma ir dizainēta tā, lai no potenciāli normāliem cilvēkiem pagatavotu antisociālus frīkus bez izredzēm kļūt par produktīvu pilsoni iz jebkuras mīklas. 

Alright, I was wondering if some Swedes here can tell me if the Swedish school system is as retarded and cucked as my wife experiences it right now.
She started teaching in a small village school 5th/6th grade recently. She has a couple of problem children to put it mildly. These retards use the lowest of the lowest language (gangsta rap crap, "fitta", "snoppen", "bitch" etc.) strangle and kick little girls, disrupt the lessons, etc.
Now here is the kicker, my wife is fairly grounded and tries her best to teach children which is nearly impossible with that many asocial fucktards. So she tries to educate the class on basic manners, respect, diligent studies, etc. telling them that people who fail in these regards are idiots and are on their way into a low wage job or outright becoming a bums.

At least one of those fucktards went to his parents and told them that my wife told the class that they are stupid and becoming failures in life which is actually a factually correct statement to some degree, at least for those "trouble makers", but that is still a strawman of her position. Lo and behold the parents immediatly start a witch hunt on my wife and today she was forced to have a "discussion" with the parents, that one dumbfuck kid and the "headmaster" of the school. First and foremost, my wife was not heard until the very end having to endure a lot of "outrage", fake tears and accusations. Furthermore the director was kissing the ass of parents and the "pupil" assuring that such things could never happen and that she is terribly sorry about his "hurt" feelings while the little bastard put on a crocodile tear show and the parents huffing and puffing in rage. At the end my wife had to, begrudgingly, apologize that he "misunderstood" her words and tried to explain again what I mentioned earlier.
Summa summarum, teachers are powerless in school, they have no levers to punish unruly or outright asocial fuckwits even if they blatantly abuse it, against all reason they try their best to appease the children and kissing the asses of them and their parents regardless what ludicrous lies the children tell and the headmmasters encourage that kind of behaviour, telling my wife she has to "bond" with all her pupils. Is that to be expected in every school in Sweden?

Unsurprisngly my wife immediatly took two days off now and has started to look for a new job. She had a phone call from the headmaster but the fucking cunt just told her the usual platitudes about how you have to be "nice" to children and only have "their" best at heart not realizing that the dirty bastard is laughing his ass off about that kind of behaviour.
Not allowed either and yes I asked my wife about that. Teachers here are powerless and even worse she cannot even punish with grades since is no grading system until 7th grade.

  • A talk
  • Asked to leave the room briefly
  • Detention (for the reasons given above)
  • Investigation
  • Actions (internal school response)
  • Written caution
  • Temporary transfer to another classroom
  • Suspension
Showing this list to my wife:

Suspension: Almost never done in practice. Also what good does it do? Many of these cases would enjoy not coming to school so this is more of a reward for them.
Detention: Forces the teacher to stay with the child after school. Now my wife usually stays at least from 7 to 17:00 just for lessons and preparations. Do you think it is feasable that she sits another hour or so just for a little shit. Furthermore what is she supposed to do? She is not even allowed to scold the pupil.
Temporary transfer to another classroom: What so he can disturb that class, too?
Actions: Well since you are not allowed to do anything "mean" to the child what exactly are you supposed to do?

no grading system until 7th grade 
Vai [info]heda šito var apstiprināt? Wtf is this shit? 
Un paskatoties uz tiem sodu noteikumiem - nav brīnums, ka viņi nevar neko izdarīt pat pret boarderline izvarotājiem. Modernā, ''progresīvā'' Rietumu izglītības sistēma ir monstru ferma. Kombinācijā ar irstošo ģimenes institūtu, kas senākos laikos pielūkotu, lai sīkā suka uzvedas kā nākas ''or else'', šī ir laba recepte nākotnes idiokrātijai. Principā tā jau daļēji redzama šodien. Izlutināti helikoptervecāku lamzaki, kas karo par ponijdrāzēju tiesībām twaterī un iet ielās raudāt vai sist veikalu stiklus, jo neievēlēja viņu mīļoto kandidātu.

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2017-01-29 17:35 (saite)
ir tā, jā
Ir tāds zviedru psihiatrs Dāvids Eberhards, kuram ir pāris interesantas grāmatas: "Drošības narkomānu valstī" un "Kad bērni pārņēma varu?".
Ja pārlasīšu, tad ielikšu arī te kādus gabaliņus, jo tā nav specifiska zviedru problēma. Specifiskā zviedru problēma ir, ka visi, kuri uzdodas par bērniem, tiek uzņemti vispārizglītojošās skolās kopā ar bērniem, tālāko tu spēj iztēloties.

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2017-01-29 18:19 (saite)
Zinu, ka tā ir Rietumu problēma vispār, bet pieļauju, ka viņi, kā vienmēr, ir flagmaņi.

(Atbildēt uz šo) (Iepriekšējais) (Diskusija)

2017-01-29 18:58 (saite)
protams, ka progresa flagmanis :)Paskatījos, ka pirmā Eberharda grāmata par šo izdota pirms 11 gadiem.

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