gnidrologs ([info]gnidrologs) rakstīja,
@ 2017-01-25 02:14:00

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The young girl’s mother (who asked that she and her daughter have their identities protected) reached out to TheRebel.Media.

She told us that her daughter was approached by two Syrian migrants who are enrolled at the Canadian high school. Both attempted to grind with the fourteen-year-old girl before one of the migrant students came up behind her, and aggressively touched her — her body and her breasts — before forcing his hand down her pants, touching her vagina from inside her underwear.

Through emails and a recorded phone interview, the Fredricton mother told me that, at first, Fredricton High School belittled reports of the sex assault against her daughter, and was told to consider things from the Syrian migrant’s perspective — to consider how western girls’ clothing has the potential to create cultural tension.

The girl’s mother informed me that the the police were aware of the sex assault and that she had hoped to press charges; however, following a questionable interaction between the young girl and one detective, there is now no sign that charges will be pressed.

According to the girl’s mother, the Syrian migrant student was suspended for just one week and is now back at school — with her daughter. Meantime, the 14-year-old girl has missed several weeks worth of school and is now seeing a mental health professional to help her cope with the trauma.

And it would seem this young girl isn't alone. Her mother told me that there have been complaints from other girls, too. More reports of “Syrian boys groping and touching girls’ breasts and trying to touch girls’ vaginas at previous school dances.”

Pilns sižets.

I approve of this motion. Nav ko ģērbties kā padauzai, ja negribi, lai tevi voluntāri ķer aiz vāveres. Redzu potenciālu progresu morālētisko normu korektā atjaunošanā pateicoties kulturālo bagātinātāju influxam dekadentās Rietumu valstīs.

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2017-01-25 18:52 (saite)
Tu pirmo reizi met aci manā blogā? Jo, ja nē, tad labi zinātu, ka ''tiešām smagie gadījumi'' arī ir cik tik uziet un kā likums perpetratori ir usual suspects. Un pat tad, salīdzināt bižu raustīšanu vai dibenā kniebnšanu ar forsētu eokas bāžšanu vagīnā skolas teritorijā, lai ''nogludinātu'' manu acīmredzamo reidžojošo rasismu. Nu come on.

No tā paša raksta/sižeta:

''In our ongoing investigation into allegations of abuse and sexual harassment perpetrated by Syrian migrant students on Canadian children, these stories out of FHS were some of the most disturbing. Some two-thousand and seven hundred pages of email transactions between teachers, administrators, and school board members painted a picture of ongoing physical abuse and sexual harassment within their walls:
Syrian men in their twenties enrolled in the high school, successfully hitting on the much younger girls; requests for gender segregation and prayer spaces; expressions of excitement over the Brussels bombings and hobbies that included rocket propelled grenades.
It’s happening. There’s evidence, evidence that we here at TheRebel.Media have made publicly available. Every page of every Access to Information request we’ve filed is posted in full on our website.
And yet, there is a country-wide cone of silence on the subject.
If you believe in our journalism and want to see the full list of my reports on the subject of Syrian migrant students bullying, harassing, and abusing their Canadian peers, VISIT''

Fucken gribu zināt kur var uzzināt analoģisku infu par analoģiskiem notikumiem Latvijā. Vai varbūt pie mums masu mediji to visu apslāpē vēl labāk, nekā tur? (kaut gan priekš kam - pie mums taču izvarotāji parasti nav ''minoritātes'').

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